Is south cursed by media..

In 2000 a girl named priyadharshini was killed publically by a senior police official son in North India. But the case is still pending in delhi high court. The website corresponding to that case is showing the same status for 6th consecutive year.. But how did this case came into the lights suddenly amoung 5 lakh pending cases in indian courts?.. Media is the one word answer to that question. The full fledged launch of NDTV24X7 on april 14th 2003 sent a caution signal across the corrupt politicians and to the persons who were escaping from hands of law.
Good reporters and camera men raised the news channel to greater heights. But NDTV's monoply couldnt long last till CNN-IBN came into the arena which is giving a tough fight with NDTV. Very good and Neutral analysis are being feasted to Indians eyes for first time. These news channels are watching MPs and MLAs very closely as tiger is waiting for its day meal. Every parlimentary session would be rocked by the secret investigation of one of these news channel..
The quality of the news which they present has no second thought other than best of its kind.
But when a people from south india is watching he might have a feel that his region is being neglected by these tv channels.. More than 60% of these news channel viewers are from south.. One major reason for their poor turn out in North India could be that these news channel have very little for hindi viewers.
These News channels went into deep south india only during TSUNAMI.. Only if a news which could make up the head lines of all the newspaper would make up into these news channel..
Fees hike of IIMs are making headlines in these channels which is going to cost an extra penny from the students pockets who are going to swim in foreign currencies once they pass out..
Prathiba(Hp call center girl) case didnt rock these channels as jessica lal's murder...
Foreign placements in IIMs are making flash news in these channels where there was not a single news on IISC(other than the terrorist attack) even though these students make technology world to revolve..
I accept the fact that India is highly diversified and huge. Not every inches of india be covered by these channels. My only argument would be that these channels should spread their tentacles to these parts also . Are ppl living only in New delhi and Mumbai?
Have a nice day:-)